Tuesday, February 1, 2011

WERE BACK!!!....Erm, Kinda.

Yes everyone we are back online, kinda. As you can see we have done some major site changes such as, new buttons, no menu bar, guides, and more! Since we no longer have our menu bar (bar that displays all of our pages on our blog) then our guides and other htings that would usualy be on pages will now be on the side! Wait you ask, some of the buttons on the side are not working when i click on them! Well thats because right now, some of the things here on our blog have not been compeltely finished! We are also currently in BETA, so some things may not work, or work properly. So please be paitent and wait with us as the new clubpenguincpblogcheats arrives!

~Thanks, Clubpenguincpblogcheats Staff.

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